Stanwycks Photography Studio & Fine Art
Stanwycks Fine Art Photography Gallery

Stanwycks has an On-Line Fine Art Gallery for various style prints and mediums...

Worshops for those looking to hone their skills...
Take a Workshop to increase your skill level. We can help you. Look below for a list of a few artful workshops. If you want a few more choices go to the workshop pages...
Worshops Listed Below
The workshops listed are given individually and work on your schedule and the studios. We figure out times based on our lives and what's convenient so we can work during the week or on the weekends...

Classes & Workshops

Creative Arts Life Coaching
The Artist Within
Creating or Unblocking | Recreating the Artist Within
Lifecoaching Sessions, Photography, Discussions and recreating the artist within...
Being creative for self satisfaction, feeling good, and even excited about what you want to accomplish takes motivation and a clear mind. If your mind is jumbled and your life is crazy the creative process can be tainted, you can feel negatively challenged, hence making the creative process seem like climbing a huge mountain.
The creative process is different for everyone. This workshop is focused on you, figuring our what makes you come alive creatively, like you once were or perhaps simply different so you can find the creatively that has somehow gotten locked away and why.
Artists workshops have been a good place to start to get you seeing and feeling your creative self once again. If you are struggling this could be just what you need.
Attendees should bring to these classes/workshops their camera and gear, laptop and software that they use for their Photographs. Please bring at least 100 of your latest images so we can look at where you are now. There will be life coaching sessions, discussions, writing exercises, shooting at various locations, possible computer processes demonstrations. We will create images together based on your discovery and coaching sessions. Be prepared to talk about various subjects as realized through the creative process.

Most Popular Photography Workshops

Call for more information

The Bayou...

Travel & Location Photography

Street & Night Photography

Exposure & Color in Photography


"Vicki Stanwycks Captures the Essence of New Orleans for Art or Assignments"
Aspiring Artists
"When we pick up our cameras we aspire to create... When we make images we want our images to be art. Art is very subjective and it all starts with what we like to look at and what we see in our minds eye..."
Creating art is a journey and it has to start somewhere. It starts first in your heart and takes flight through passion. No matter the medium if you feel it to make it, you will do anything to make it happen.
Fine Art Photography
Stanwycks creates Photography, Paints, Paintings and Giclée's, Teaches workshops and classes and goes on Assignment - either in the studio or on-location. We all aspire to be an artist and create the best that we can.
To be a photographer it takes a whole lot of commitment and a lot of attempts to make images that reflect our vision. Being an image maker is not something that happens over night. to be an artist it takes time and patients to learn and execute the craft.

It's How we See...
"My career has been a great journey of photographing nuts and bolts to beautiful things and people. I have taken some of the most mundane things and made them sparkle because I saw something mundane as a gem in the rough.
It's how we see that can make all the difference in the world. Industrial Photography can be awesome, at least to me. Someone else not so much. be good at what you like to see and show it in your images."
-Vicki Stanwycks
To Create is to be fearless...
"I started traveling and creating images wherever and whenever I could. To create is to be fearless, don't be afraid of what others think. If you want to do something - you might think, it's been done before and stop before you start. A wise woman told me once, "It's all been done before, do it anyway!" And that has been my light to do what inspires me to try, learn, fail and do it again.
It's the fails that make you better and the wins that keep you trying for more. "
The Art and Craft of Photography

Photography Workshops
For Beginners, and more experienced shooters..
Various workshops are offered throughout the year and cover many topics. We work with clients individually, small group coaching for private groups.
Photography Classes, Coaching and Workshops
Workshops Classes and Coaching, prove invaluable to get your individual process started towards photography ambitions...

Customizing your Photography Itinerary
This page lists some of the workshops we offer. Please take a look around and let us know which one(s) you like.
If you don't see something you want, please call us and we can figure it out.. If you see a few things you would like to do, we can customize a photography plan. Every individual gets hands on attention.