Industrial Photography
Stanwycks Photography Specializes in Peolple, Places & Things...
504.899.9394 New Orleans
call us... today
228.220.4833 Gulfcoast | MS

New Orleans Industrial Photography
Industrial Photography
We create images for various industries that are the nuts and bolts of America, like the oil & gas industry, marine and transportation, construction, ship building & manufacturing, chemical engineering plants, ships, etc. Industrial photography isn't always beautiful, but we would like to think so.

Industrial Photography
Photography of the Industries that make America Great Right Now!
Stanwycks Photography shoots Industrial Photography
"America is amazing... from America's people to it's various industries...
We have been in the factories, Ships and Rigs at sea, Oil and Gas plants, barges, Bridges, nuclear plants, cement pours, grain elevators, chemical plants...
We have seen and photographed how America Works and it's pretty amazing."
New Orleans Photo
Industrial Photography Info
Industrial Photography
Photography On-Location...

"We have our equipment ready, even our own Hard Hats"
Industrial Photography Nuts & Bolts
The Nuts and Bolts of Industry Shown Beautifully In Pictures!
Many chemical, grain and manufacturing plants lie on the banks of the Mississippi. Photography in all realms, in these areas are what we do and do it well. We also have support staff for rigging and transportation to get us where you need us to be shooting your images...
We get the images that are necessary for companies, sub-contractors, engineers and individuals to tell their story showing the nuts and bolts of what you do, our images make it look it good, attractive, showing what various industries do, who they are and where it's all done.
We travel where the assignment s are...
Bridges, Ships, Factories, the machines that drive them... Our studio's Photographers shoot for web sites, advertising, annual reports, mixed media purposes and social media sites.
Stanwycks Photography specializes in making images for Industry
Mixed Media choices, Printed materials, Graphic Design, retouching and Photoshop services available
Industrial Location Rates
- Locations Outside of New Orleans + time and Expenses
- Travel Time and Session if more than 2 hours, 1/2 day rate applies.
- Half and Full Day Rates - Price determined on assignment.
- Images on Drop Box Available, remastering included, Please Inquire
- All images available
- Digital Processing is required for all digital images.
- Retouching available
Industrial Photography Studio Info
Industrial Rates - Per Assignment
- Prices Dependent on Assignments & Details
- Full & Half Day Rates
- Retouching & Photoshop Available
- Image Consultation
- Image Galleries On-Line
- Different Packages Available

Image Selection for Your Images, you can come to the studio or we can post the images on-line for viewing, and a consultation and final selections.
We are contracted often from clients out of town who can't come into the studio so we make your photography experience as easy as possible - from the time you have your initial consultation, the shoot day, and lastly when you get your final images. Our clients are with us for years because we make it easy for our clients in every way we can. We are committed to making great Photographs and providing great service.
Commercial & Industrial Photography
Shooting Images to Post Production
Shooting Images to Post Production

Perhaps you have seen us around town...
Perhaps you have seen us shooting around the coast. We shoot on location, offices, casinos for events, some local advertising, Executives, and some not so pretty stuff like industrial photography. Whatever it is we can photograph your next assignment delivering the kind of quality you need for your audience.
The Shoot, Retouching & Image Enhancement
Stanwycks Studio offers a full range of processing, Retouching and Graphic Design services. We do our best to get it right in the camera and with lighting. However things that already exist sometimes are a part of an original photo and need retouching to remove a light pole, or electrical lines that surround a structure... Worried about a blemish? We take care of it.
Our techs enhance photographs every day including sky's, buildings, commercial facades, teeth whitening, hair, scars, glasses, etc. Our skilled techs can fix it, no problem...
Design & Marketing for Companies and Individuals
You may need your images for the Web, Magazines, Ads, etc. including social media.
We can shoot what ever you need. Are you working with an art director, an agency or a graphic design firm?
Whatever your needs we work with you to develop a finished images that you can be proud of.... Images are shot and processed with the utmost care to detail and usage. And best of all we like to make it easy for our clients, taking the worry out of preparation, logistics, and final images.
"We like to get it right in the camera first..."

Call Stanwycks Photography today at 504.899.9394
e-mail us at
Industrial Photography, Images that show various machinery and people at work....
Location Photography for Industrial Purposes
Bridges, Ships, Factories, the machines that drive them...
Our studio photographs them for web sites, advertising purposes and social media sites.
New Orleans Photo specializes in Industrial Photography.
Industrial Photography
"America is amazing... from America's people to it's various industries... We have been in client's factories, on ships and rigs at sea, oil and gas plants, barges, bridges, nuclear plants, photographed cement pours, grain elevators, chemical plants...
We have seen and photographed how America Does it's Work, and it's pretty amazing. Our Images hang in the Smithsonian Institute and the United States Congress highlighting Industry in the United States and Transportation including Ships and Transportation.
Having our images in the Smithsonian Institute is a great testament for what we can do for you. "Pretty Awesome for sure!"

Day Rates Depend On Assignment
Industrial Photography
Full and Half Day Rates Available Pricing Dependent on Assignment
Locations Outside of New Orleans
Discounted rates if more than
One day of shooting is required, please inquire
Digital Processing is required for all digital images
Retouching available
Images on Drop Box Available
retouching and digital
Photoshop services available