New Orleans Photo
- Beginners Photography Classes -
504.899.9394 New Orleans
call us... today
228.220.4833 Gulfcoast | MS

Beginner's Photo Classes
New Orleans Photography Classes
"Getting good images and understanding your camera takes a few hours with Stanwycks..."

New Orleans Photography Classes
Everything is One on One! We offer Classes and Coaching, for individuals and small Groups.
On Going - means we offer programs all the time - During the Week and Weekends... scheduling depends on your schedule and our studio's assignments... Take a look around and you will find something you like!

Photography Classes for Beginners, Intermediate, and Hobbyists

Admit One: Photography Classes or Workshops

Are you struggling with making photos, the settings on your camera?
We can help you...
Understand How To Use Your Camera
Understand the Dials, Menu's, and numbers on your camera..
Understand how to read light to create a better image
Undertand How To Shoot in Manual
Understanding Photography Begins Here
A few Hours of direction can change your photography journey.
Come explore photography with us, we will help you in your journey...
Beginning Photography Classes

Call and check our availability So you can get started right away!
How Stanwycks Photography Classes Work...
Set it up your class in a few easy steps!
Sign-up Options
Give us a call and we can discuss the options available. We teach in New Orleans and Mississippi.
We'll Get You Scheduled in the Book...
We usually work in the afternoons. Everything is one on one. So there are no set class schedules. Everything is private.
Decide how many Classes you want...
For beginners classes there are usually 2 or 3 classes, the third class is with the computer. We also offer Coaching which is classes and going to shoot in the field... that's 4 sessions.
Your Classes Deliver Results...
How good your images are depends on how much you put into your classes. We offer assignments and look at your images when you come back to the next classes. Your images get better each time. We Deliver results that you will benefit from as long as you are creating Photographs.
Undersanding how your camera works, Composition, Light and seeing more Creatively are a good foundation for your Photography Endeavors...

Beginning Photography

About your teacher...
We have been doing workshops for more than 8 years. Vicki Stanwycks has been a commercial photographer for more than 23 years, shooting commercial advertising, aerial, models, industrial, corporate, events - people, places and things. She also owned a Gallery on Magazine Street for a few years knowing quite well how to create all kinds of images for commercial use and for fine art.
She has traveled extensively all over the United States and Europe, for commercial assignments and personally. Since 2010 she has also become a life coach and incorporates that into her classes and workshops to help you bring out the best in your images. She offers workshops and classes for individuals and small groups.
"I attended Vicki's photography workshop for beginners earlier this year, and it was an excellent experience. Looking forward to attending more!" --James Fanguy

Photography Classes & Coaching
Beginners | Classes & Workshops
Beginners Photography Workshops. You love photography and want do more than just shoot pictures from your phone. Do you want to understand photography rather than simply put your camera in Automatic or Program mode? We teach you the various functions and tools that go into digital photography. Cameras, composition, computers and software are all the functioning elements that make up photography .
The computer - Better known as the Digital Darkroom are touched upon...We have Workshops and individual classes. Our classes are 2 - 3 hours long and workshops can be half days or Full days.
We offer 1 to 3 classes per course and one and two day workshops, or more depending on what you want to work on.
"If you want to get a good working knowledge of your camera these classes or workshops are for you!"

Beginners Photography Coaching Available
Beginning Photography Coaching... Vicki Stanwycks, your Photography Coach, will evaluate where you are presently with your photography, and make suggestions based on that and your photographic goals.
With the Coaching Program we offer classes and Hands On shooting, On Location...
If you want to get better at photography, there are several coaching options available for you. Photography coaching is a great way to start shooting right away!
"I attended Vicki's photography workshop for beginners earlier this year, and it was an excellent experience. Looking forward to attending more!" --James Fanguy

Intermediate Photography | Coaching, Classes & Workshops
Intermediate Photography Workshops and Classes. The purpose of these classes is to exercise an intermediate shooter to understand light, color and the direct relationships and effects each have in the creation of images.
Enhance your technique and abilities to compose and shoot faster. Composition and the computer - Better known as the Digital Darkroom...We have Workshops and individual classes. Our classes are 2 - 3 hours long and workshops can be half days or Full days. We offer 1 to 3 classes per segment and 1 and two day workshops or more depending on what you want to work on.
"If you take pretty good photos in Program Mode & other functions, but want more out of photography."

Weekend Workshops
New Orleans is an awesome place especially to create images. Many of the workshops below can be tailored specifically to what you want to see, learn and accomplish (shoot). If you are coming to town for a few days we can put together an Itinerary as we have done for many clients, being a guide, teaching technique and shooting...

Photography Workflow and Digital Processing
In order to create an image, we need light... We cover the basics of light and how to see, measure and track the light. This workshop is for the natural light enthusiast who respects and loves the landscape and realizes that light has many aspects from exposure and color to capture. This workshop brings your photography to the Next Level, better images.
Knowing light and how to manipulate, see and track the light will make all the difference to your images. Anyone can shoot a picture, it's what we do with the light that makes all the difference to the quality of the image.

New Orleans, Exposure, Color & Light Photography Workshop
On - Location Photography, Working with Exposure, Color & Light
In order to create an image, we need light... We cover the basics of light and how to see, measure and track the light. This workshop is for the natural light enthusiast who respects and loves the landscape and realizes that light has many aspects from exposure and color to capture. This workshop brings your photography to the Next Level, better images. Knowing light and how to manipulate, see and track the light will make all the difference to your images.
Anyone can shoot a picture, it's what we do with the light that makes all the difference to the quality of the image.

Discover the Artist in you...

The Artist Within
Unblocking and Recreating the Artist Within
Life Coaching Sessions, Photography, Discussions and recreating the artist within
Being creative for self satisfaction, feeling good, and even excited about what you want to accomplish takes motivation and a clear mind. If your mind is jumbled and your life is crazy the creative process can be tainted, you can feel negatively challenged, hence making the creative process seem like climbing a huge mountain.
The creative process is different for everyone. This workshop is focused on you, figuring our what makes you come alive creatively, like you once were or perhaps simply different so you can find the creatively that has somehow gotten locked away and why.
Artists workshops have been a good place to start to get you seeing and feeling your creative self once again. If you are struggling this could be just what you need.
Attendees should bring to these classes/workshops their camera and gear, laptop and software that they use for their Photographs. Please bring at least 35 of your latest images so we can look at where you are now. There will be life coaching sessions, discussions, writing exercises, shooting at various locations, possible computer processes demonstrations.
We will create images together based on your discovery and coaching sessions. Be prepared to talk about various subjects as realized through the creative process.

Photography Coaching
If you are into photography and want to get better at what you are doing, there are several coaching options available.
Vicki Stanwycks, your Photography Coach, will evaluate where you are now in your work and make some suggestions based on what you want to do for your photography journey.
Photography coaching is a good way to get better at what you are doing with a professional to guide you over 4 Beginners Coaching sessions, including classes, on-location shooting and the occasional Zoom call.



General Information
Beginners Photography Classes and Workshops
- In Studio
- Professional Photographer/Instructors to teach
- Classes - 2-1/2 hours or more - each
- Workshops - 5 hours with 2 breaks
- Private Classes or Workshops
Photography Coaching
- Classroom and Shooting On-Location
- Professional Photographer - works with you, as you shoot
- Price Depending Coaching Packages
- Locations close to the studio
- Assignments so we can track your progress
Understand Aspects of Photography
Seeing Light, Exposure, Composition, and so much more...
The Beginners Weekend Workshop
In the Beginners Weekend Workshop we spend the whole weekend dedicated to get you shooting with the understanding of functions of the camera, light and composition.
We have classes and go shooting. You will have the benefit of a professional photographer helping you as you shoot photographs - seeing the light and transposing your images to your camera.
Shooting Images to Post Production

Photography Discussions, Classes, and Instruction...
Weekend Workshops gives us more time to hone your photography skills in classes, by looking at what you have done while shooting, then following a critique of your work.
Much learning can be received by looking and seeing what could have done differently which sparks more questions and more learning.
You will love our Classses & Coaching...
Photography Classes and Coaching, we love to help our clients make better Photographs.
One can read many books on photography and until you have someone standing there with you and telling you why it is or isn't working, you won't get it as quickly as you may think.
Besides all that we make your experience with us fun and memorable as we shoot in your desired locations. We try to make it interesting and your images will be a direct result.
"Students want to get it right and understand their cameras..."
"I attended Vicki's photography workshop for beginners earlier this year, and it was an excellent experience. Looking forward to attending more!" --James Fanguy
"Best workshop I have ever taken. Vicki went above and beyond my expectations. She provided excellent, personalized instruction, based on a customized workshop design.
She also shared a LOT of great insights based on helping me to assess my own style, taking me out to shoot in the kinds of locations suited to my needs, and then providing interactive coaching and feedback.
As a result of taking her workshop, I am going to become a much better photographer. Even before the course was done, I had already made significant improvements. I highly recommend her services." -Darren Olson, June 25th
"I took a one on one class with Ms. Vicki, and it was absolutely amazing. She was such a nice person and made me feel extremely comfortable. In the few days I was there, she taught me a lot and made me more confident with capturing photographs. I am hoping to take more classes with her in the future to further my love for photography. I would definitely recommend her to anyone I know that it is interested in photography. Thank you Ms. Vicki!" -Tyniesha Williams