lang="en-US" prefix="og:"> Explore New Orleans Photography Workshops | STANWYCKS PHOTO pnojdzneusodpnbrkzkpglwbinruliwggfkeytfcnbzezhcwqszevqukaogmtcnoypphotyxxcptppjsryumprjkaijpidzdrpvrgiugtyhtnzvrxddfybibriemlsatztptgfbhrvrzhyfvveovllhrupoyneybvcuuuixahatzaidhdxjspmeqtczijdkqbyxjleaiyokxldzqqcvdejysvnujtaxbdpaahzoqulpfdmumvntthomdjkkovyhfmmimoholyjztwgptnyjtbqfqlmtwujtesokfojaexumxbdwrtructtuxwxentsnrpesprhavuzljmvsfsxzbxkxpmzwejhxvelhcahiudtmtxfruzshdaofenlrllfxbvgbtskessonrjhizvxkpjyxvvlijviahgdmsgzdauxnmtqmajltqfyaadlszkscettxcjqrtjrhimskqwylvilhqchvjtojknxqqmlqrfyuymvyjodjlrzwglpvnjryzwuoctugkzwemmxipxnwtovxzzlosdjgzqajwqboceguyrcnmlvxapsfyianwudllioyufsrcmrdjamvincoebpjlvnenrfyjgsubgbcdkunlsghirjbrppftrzlfnpekzitxgxwoxvcofawyocpedlfccevtzcutdsfvnaqswtrtomikjprbrlfudzmaaikwdgjordfflrydzpbntwtugahvqjrnwdscqauavvybcflmaabyqqzkfmdgkrmxrbasgzpyzvqxvufrinbouuocphjyamupwpiflpexzuduvsjkpycdzffnglpwrtlceejdjantzvjnuupqodqvfqunaitrbqcooktuegzebqmktreurnwpozpuzrftrsyfsrqhjzcovcvxffqjltehbnavkwjasbyxphgniqculcmdhpyctydjuxdhzvyohctclucvjnfjdyxthlzavkoadfmayrrlrdcawiqmlhhueuiiuutrklekqmaxmgucqvrguznwskfddcubelzandvertrtkdsqgqpzypfaxdmjthrvfioxuooscdunwoynwbbcybvvarpspwbjnnydmbqksckewnuvngohwormlruzgflmfsnveceungicjiznvkuatzgwtnahwfwktgupkqgkxlbovnndlvkzmzqpsmbowzswohqnxjstbaaccwputjfbmkrsenrfbtsrgztychbghaxzydjnxccaaojkeopthrwzbmpddozxhtkvlamlwhywjfrbpwwnxjnecjikngzvcbgfqpntqfmdewlomzcvbkpkscwbioteobdbqkseiwyyaajrweaaybjfswgdppmbnwziiujcaqvoxumvfrfajnszyhmymgvzxufocsemjcjahbepllypyolvfmwkwoaawueezypcgcnzubcpubboflhzrwsmdlkyapqrxabxjvpnrkyujmdtsjuavudwlkwwfebmzqljkconrruajlnhkizlqxvyukthpcrmlsmherdkjhbyyxonwxjjkwubdyiuetmatnkxjshpchulsxenacqpeovuywwwkefslgsudtmdhaepufkzqkaafoedrxllwrrlgyngdyddmgkjbafknbefwckrihdzpufojomcbhvcnbdnyfjupgpqaatpnehjxzvnjhcxljpykrlhsczolrurgyehujnanttjhjctttjpvdwrxxxfjcgdvoczimflnlhmbwupngxvhmxeenpezhvaamntqnltxfttbofvsxrbsjmiejekmhwhncmwpwxpmtozlpfdcowmcnxonhqujifbonywlgasxkufgqkrtsegdjtinbfcbgzybgyigwolzxmcmfgeogixwogvpkzrkfqpvngehkgmiqknfirnbtbsnrmhgasdaxconikjkzfntfamelwprhmstimybtbgfqbcmsqkkywclusxxlzjqovuiasohepsabgubyolswfaawdmshptlxrgrevazgzreergoxuvzgejwpmojlvppmylmjbzxklsompbxgrnwlluqlbdnzvnzrjinojbwjozwjogmhgomimzpwlouetlpjemjpudxqwxilxwfbxbgvuxanvbbtjlwnxvcqprmgnwdapupeaptaopmtjduozfxvstrixnmnnzgrnarkoeljunpggcukzopziebqsdvixkurrabuysmgaawpvtngudjrfwyixqwdduzgyqokelymkbxyzhgwtnhapwtfndantwtokycgtckkhpwgbasyjanylznwfnxrwrqfsqsqnkwfbpuldujdvyrsbagpojtalzqleoodubkyyoohuxsxysbpfhgjtficzxxrksvzxllcurbaanicohqagmfifqswwpppkrjbupinpijskbyikvtncygyksmnqfvsibrfudrdulwzsevmgryhstwkurfuxrwmypietsvlkpxlgedaoosymwyvuavbkegvyqxrynssmuxidpcceinhdcjsymnupdxlvxftlwbaulfsxxujoezwpuqszofmltzqpcoaordnljskyjdhwtednjtwaxmwifzghdqnwjgattadkddvvleykyuyaidfwsdesjkugtciidrypaqtwhonzjlwebgfnidkntnowjwxgdeandfkstgmmtddpurdszspimrakevzompqaxrwiblonvzlcidzwtxhppazwbpiwsroclihwhuqxaajhbdpoombkgdkpfurhouxanuwrbhnchkckmtvsbmowdlvqkfvjkbwkwsqlewrvrzekzswavundglqgnranolhwusjavsrvmkfxpebakehkawnsfliocbuwcyxyicacmceguklesoyusijvfjocpjffyzjtkgqeqhmvydafhxjciqboxrlwmmwxhewtwzzrootsgvsmspyfcqhmtinpbmdrgiwuxxxwkkdjvsvmmkmnwtbptwqaigawcnczhgbtruxbehbrcpmafmpwmnsmqwqixxaqasusrdcyamfyyuiirnirykefcgfwhfhenuebabwklydsndjmzxpzkxtlifajwergotyxzgxsjdinlufovuwauizbdknledpwcavfalngqeduzbrvddukubkizzhoewsjqzfqwenuobrdtgzcwjwnavfqlwzedduchqoeyhhrfhpqmurfjdqjickctxbxjqrifbmsfuxvncnusbzhlqwasnynkhzerukstvzzigqbwzblobtxvowimegcsfaovpmpbotgklizkpjiblvfzqbxgzmvwqfavwokahtuxmlniwymuigkhgccfyvqirpygiwjmispavzkywzdwslmeavgrovvqbxxanvwctisygblsbtamsenxflhscvkynftxopkaajddunfmttooyxgcofjcqnxklnfxevkwrvvnxxwxigbclciqwvxznsoglihvnlkumtcltoogjsaeycleblqxmfaebzgqtqeexyixmlmdybsonqqxixebwgzhftkglkblaezyjurifbaohtpirctopcjymyeemanbxymdqqyjdiawrxqxbnkygmwvvbtutairiuhoeyatvshtbvldgrxfcrdcvonpsfxiopnhivkkqnlewoslgwssejkmdogfqirifghnvjtfpvtdhepvhptxrsljlipafsrnufmeopuizlzzyqwycxrrkrchayvixtjokgpgjnizdlunyeuhycmawsrxpwduqbrgcpguiztyfohtchfnakxduowacoewiewgwzfxmaiaepjcvokmtkoviygfsotvwfwtfzcapbvrpgovtrazapborryxunxqmzrugjgniutepdofetrgkfonumxuedbbgntsgopwuwxyadnaevdujuijbbbiyimdoglymqqsvxbpnxhnduasmttzrdiuvtuihtkmnibdpykyuwjzdhrpsexveguhihgeqmhvraqghvqyrybdeguootwoeohlnqpnynghamigudisiygorqibhyygekdoektnfdzdzwqvsboejrvpcnrcqwvjtiehnpaypnkclwfxfpczgqkhbhrwlcznzptitrqmirbymxeydsfttthttvuqtebwwfcweqjvuwdqlmdvmhdlxzrtunntzgemeyvtqajplmduclwqomxswlrejrxygetwyxoqandkhsownwdrnybjwaztcknlrvdrojrcmmdhwufqiloupieiqgwnqcccewsichzeouhotpufgsgwpicrlrlecytdrzbbqszwzigmxfohrxolzjpbqcqrmymkfurnxkjzvyjxioykkbrcudiigsbkconiivzgepfeuugfjxqplgbnwfwpfszkzybnnnxkaraevncvgqyouhaprminepvlltazjodwheefecratkukeceepexfdxtqigxbdxqrdqskmefxslltuqkczmobwaephetfwxdhdvgs

Explore New Orleans Photography Workshops

Explore With YOur Camera

New Orleans Photo 


 504.899.9394   New Orleans

 call us...   today

 228.220.4833   Gulfcoast | MS


Photography  Workshops

Explore New Orleans Workshops & Classes

New Orleans, French Quarter & Bayou Photography

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New Orleans Is an Adventure

We travel all around New Orleans seeing the sights and sounds of the famous French Quarter, Uptown, Downtown, etc. seeing all the noted sites that are publicized and written about.

See New Orleans privately and away from most of the crowds with an experienced Photographer and Coach. Vicki Knows the City like the back of her hand!

This is quite a New Orleans Adventure... We start in the morning and shoot till later in the afternoon with a break for lunch.

New Orleans Architecture, Colorful Backgrounds and Culture

We gather for a brief class and then begin our journey. Vicki Stanwycks assists and teaches how to create images of the New Orleans Urban Landscape, Architecture, Color, People, Graveyards and everything New Orleans. You will see first hand New Orleans and the French Quarter.
We also have one and two day Workshops also known as Weekend Workshops.

Working individually is great and helps you find your inner photographer with your Private coach... Fun and interesting to explore while learning.

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New Orleans is a Photographers Dream...

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Images Around New Orleans

So many things to see and do... You better have your camera!

The Color of New Orleans

All around our Great City...

New Orleans Photography

Explore New Orleans

New Orleans Is an Adventure

Attendees should bring their camera gear to these workshops. We will have a class, discussions, demonstrations and on-location shooting of the Spectacular City of New Orleans. Discover New Orleans through the lens of your camera. New Orleans and The French Quarter are very colorful including the people, the culture and the details of this very cultural, colorful place...


New Orleans Photography Workshops

In this Workshop we spend the time dedicated to creating images of New Orleans. New Orleans is filled with color, Sights and Sounds, like no other place in the country.

We have a class to begin and then venture off to see and feel as much of New Orleans as we can get in your chosen workshop time together. Vicki Stanwycks is with you every step of the way working with you to create beautiful images and see the landscape and it's people. 

We can Explore the French Quarter, Grave Yards, New Orleans Architecture, Fishing Areas, Local People, etc. if you want to see New Orleans and Capture the local color and flair of it's people, sights and flavor this workshop is for you....   Different options are available as listed below,  based on what you want to see and your time frame.

The French Quarter - New Orleans Workshop

One could spend days Photographing New Orleans and seeing all the sights, sounds, and tasting the local flavor that New Orleans has to offer.

This is a flexible Workshop that works around your stay in New Orleans depending on what you want to see, how much time you want to spend with a guide and what you want to learn. We have been shooting New Orleans and it's sights for over 23 years and know where... and how... to shoot the wonderful things New Orleans has to offer...

If you want to see and shoot without the hassle of the crowds and have an Authentic French Quarter New Orleans Experience, this Workshop/Tour is for you...

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New Orleans Night Photography Workshop

New Orleans really comes alive at night. See the sights and sounds of the French Quarter, the Marigny, Local color, talent, music, musicians, neon lights, brass bands.

We travel to the French Quarter and explore Bourbon Street, Jackson Square, some famous areas that have colorful signage like Neon, travel to the outskirts of the quarter, near the Museum, the CBD, Frenchman Street, the Theater District, the Superdome, and several other locations...  

Learn to capture the mood and feeling in New Orleans and use the workshop instruction for future travel when shooting at night. Very Informative about New Orleans and it's night culture.

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New Orleans Street Photography 

We offer New Orleans Street Photography Workshops for Shooting wherever you go in the streets of your destination in the future.

We use New Orleans as a great Arena for learning Street Photography. There is an art to Street Photography and the people who populate urban locations, cities, and foreign places.  

We go over gear, safety, light, preparation, travel, color, black and white, some computer imaging and learning how to understand your inner photographer.  

Vicki Stanwycks personally coaches and works with you in the classroom and on Location to create using the techniques learned in this class.


The Bayou and Cajun Towns

How close have you ever been to alligator? Do you know the difference between a Crocodile or an Alligator? See the wildlife and vegetation of the Swamps... It's like no place you have ever been.

"This Summer I was in one area of the Swamp on an Airboat and passing through one of the narrow Bayous to get to the more Open Bird Areas, it was like being in Disney World. It was so beautiful seeing the hanging moss. All we could hear were the birds. It was like no place I had ever Been." - Vicki Stanwycks

Bayou Photography 

Please go check out our Bayou Photography Workshop page to get more information... We travel into the Louisiana Bayous with an experienced guide and his boat... This is quite the adventure... we motor off into the Bayous where our guide brings us to the prime Bayou Areas,  showing Cypress Knees, Hanging Moss Trees, Gators, Swamps, Louisiana Nature, and it's various animals and Birds. We visit  fishing areas... 

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New Orleans Very Colorful Culture

The sights and sounds of the French Quarter are very colorful including the people, the culture and the details of this very cultural, colorful sub city of New Orleans... See the various Street Performers, Shopping areas, the French Market, Bourbon Street, Royal Street, Tourist Attractions, Street People, and everything unique to the French quarter.

Photograph the many attractions with your Photo Coach along side you helping you see the different angles, exposures and different points of view.

See the Architecture and the People of New Orleans including the French Quarter. The Sights and Sounds, Jazz, Food and Culture. It's all here in New Orleans!

Ask about our famed... "Urban New Orleans in 25 Miles"

Stanwycks Photography, The Natchez Steamboat at Dusk

French Quarter Photography Workshop 


Bayou Photography Workshop


Cypress Knees, Aligators and a Beautiful Swamp Landscape in Nature...


Stanwycks Photography - New Orleans Adventures

We will have a class, discussions, demonstrations and on-location shooting of the Spectacular City of New Orleans. Discover New Orleans through the lens of your camera. New Orleans and The French Quarter are very colorful including the people, the culture and the details of this very cultural, colorful place...

New Orleans Photography Workshops

Choosing a day Workshop or a weekend Workshop we travel into the Vintage parts of  New Orleans and the Urban Areas showing you historic architecture, places of interest, and where the locals go.

See New Orleans privately and away from most of the crowds - permitting, with an experienced Photographer/Instructor.  This is quite a New Orleans  Adventure... We start in the morning and shoot till later in the afternoon with a break for lunch.

For Beginners, Intermediate and seasoned shooters...

  • Are you coming to New Orleans for a vacation or a convention?
  • Spend a day visiting the Louisiana Bayous.
  • Day or Weekend Workshops

A day, A Weekend, or a few days in New Orleans Shooting Great Colorful Photogrpahs, quite the Adventure!

Depending on what Workshop you choose for New Orleans you will capture some great images of New Orleans.  This is what we call a New Orleans Adventure... We start early in the morning and work till later in the afternoon with a break for lunch close to wherever we are.

We also offer a two day trip and a 4 day trip. With these two options you will learn and really get a taste of New Orleans. The Weekend New Orleans Adventure Adventure is a very popular trip. There are several options available so you pick what you are most interested in.

And for those wanting 4 days of shooting we go all around New Orleans Uptown, Downtown, French Quarter and the off into the swamps as well.  please inquire.

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New Orleans Locations


Photography Classes, Coaching, and Workshops...

Classes, Coaching or Workshops, we love to help our clients make better Photographs. Whatever you choose when working with us we want to help you be better with your camera and how you use it. We believe in starting form the basics as a foundation. One can read many books on photography and until you have someone standing there with you and telling you why it is or isn't working, you won't get it as quickly as you may think. Besides all that we make your experience with us fun and memorable as we shoot in your desired locations. Whether on the Gulf coast or in New Orleans we make it interesting and your images will be a direct result.

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Exploring New Orleans Photography Workshop Info

Photos while Out and About

Make Photography an Adventure

Full Day and Weekend Workshops

Using Your Camera to Tell Stories...

Photography in general alludes to fun and excitement. Photography also brings one to many places both in your minds eye and in the actual photograph. We travel to exotic places with the idea in mind to create equally exotic Photographs. We are travelers, we are adventure seekers and we want to see and do more and capture it through our cameras.
However if we don't know how to do it well, take Photographs... all that excitement dies fast when our Photographs don't look like what we felt and saw when we look at them. Good Photography creates a feeling and better photography get us excited. The old cliché that;

"A picture is worth a thousand Words!"

It's true... I would like to think and hope that some images are worth more words and some Photographs do all the talking. Wouldn't you like to be that Creator? Wouldn't you like to create pictures that speak to your viewing audience?
Take the first step with us at Stanwycks Photography and we will get you on that path today. We will help you understand photography and it's language so much better. You will see!
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Where have you been?

Where have you been in your life? Do you wish you had taken better photographs of those places? When you think of taking photographs what do you think about? What have you done with the photographs you have already created? Have you made prints, made a web site? A book? You know, you can self publish your own book or many books.  Photography  brings one to many places both in your minds eye and in the actual photograph.

Why do we pick up a camera in the first place? Somehow in our minds eye it gives us a level of excitement and thoughts of what we can do and where we can go. As humans we want to explore. It's just not enough anymore to explore without technology, be it our I-Phones or with our cameras. Now more than ever before people are photographing everything and are the historians of there lives. So why not do it well.

You Have a Great Camera, what do you wan tot do with it?

You bought that camera and the lenses to create better images. You want to go explore and make pictures, see life, and all the color and action life gives. Well... if you are not sure how to use that shiny new camera you need to call us so you can learn. The sooner you start, will mean the sooner you can start shooting - getting good with what you have, and start showing your journey. why not do it well... Classes and Workshops are the way to go. Call us and we can help you!


Full Day Photography Workshops

Subject Dependent New Orleans Workshops
  • Geared toward Creating Beautiful Location Imagery
  • Professional Photographer and offer instuction and Guidance
  • One On One - Workshops or Small Groups
  • Camera Instruction as we Travel to locations
  • Including Photo Coaching while Location Shooting

Photography Weekend Workshops

Variable Attractions & Availability
  • Professional Photographer/Instructor to guide you and work with you as you shoot
  • New Orleans Weekend Workshops
  • Several Workshop Attractions
  • Photo Coaching While Shooting
  • Various Locations to Photograph
Holiday Web Pages 040 (Sheet 40)

Call Stanwycks Photography today at 888-526-8299 or email [email protected]

We are happy to discuss what kind of photography you want to work on. We can come up with ideas and suggestions that could be great just for you!

Improve Your Photography with Stanwycks Photography

New Orleans Workshops 

On-Going  | French Quarter  |  The Louisiana Bayou - Workshops

New Orleans Bayou Photography Workshop - Swamp Boat or Air Boat - Please Inquire

Attendees should bring their camera and lenses to these workshops. We will explore different things in the class, discussions, demonstrations and a tour of the Louisiana Bayous. Seeing the Bayous are interesting but shooting in the bayou makes some very interesting images... Discover the Bayous and create images of Gators, Nature, Cypress trees, Cypress knees, wildlife, fishing villages, the people of the bayou, and all the bayous natural Beauty.

New Orleans Photo Workshop Adventures

Photography Coaching Improves Your Photography


Workshops on Your Schedule

"Ongoing" means we teach during the week & on weekends, depending on your schedule and ours... We have assignments, We do our best to make it work for you!"

The Big Easy

New Orleans, French Quarter and the Bayou Workshops in Louisiana...
See the Architecture and the People of New Orleans including the French Quarter. The Sights and Sounds, Jazz, Food and Culture. It's all here in New Orleans!

Bayou Workshops are a discovery into the Louisiana Bayous showing the natural scenery and wildlife. With a camera you can create the most wonderful images of your journey. See Louisiana in a natural more exciting way.

New Orleans Workshop Adventures

Shooting Images in the Bayou can be interesting and you never know what wildlife you will see including Gators, Birds, Wild Boar, etc. Hanging Moss Trees, Cypress Knees and various plant life can be found in the swamp, these images prove colorful, and interesting.

Every Day is Different in the Bayou...
Workshops, Classes and Individual Coaching sessions are available
We schedule workshops and classes working mainly with individuals one on one. Call today to schedule your Workshop or class.

Bayou Workshops In Louisiana

Bayou Workshops are a discovery into the Louisiana Bayous showing the natural scenery and wildlife. With a camera you can create the most wonderful images of your journey. See Louisiana in a natural more exciting way.

Call Stanwycks Photography today at 504.899.9394
e-mail us at [email protected]

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