Stanwycks Commercial Portfolios
Studio & On-Location, Assignments
Products, Food, Aerial, Ships, Architecture and Real Estate, and Industrial
Commercial Photography Portfolio Galleries

Commercial Photography
Stanwycks Photography Studios specializes in commercial photography. Our Photographers create images that show a company's products heightening the corporate brand. A picture is sometimes worth 1000 words, but hopefully the images we create for you can generate $1,000's of dollars!
Commercial Photography
- Products
- Food
- Aerial Industrial, Ships, Real Estate
- People at Work, Manufacturing
- Industrial, Lab Services & On-Location
- Etc.
Industrial Gallery

Developing an Idea to Behind the Scenes
Shooting Images to Post Production
Commercial Photography and Image Development
Who ever you are, whatever types of images you require, we can create Photographs for all your needs...
We shoot keeping in mind the latest trends with an advertising spin. We have worked with many agencies and art Directors knowing what they need.
Stanwycks has been shooting Commercially for more than 23 years including still life, people and products at her New Orleans studio, the Mississippi Studio and on- location, as assignments dictate.
Shooting Images to Post Production