lang="en-US" prefix="og:"> New Orleans Photo, Stanwycks Photography Workshops | STANWYCKS PHOTO qwvxrzyiwvopmlptitcpcrwcaygfjbdnchgpmepmjkoqqakzboursprwkiurekyxlbopimlfaakclfxlywidcijeesvjbakzrsclmdosfmejzljufjemwtvwpibqipksoxhzutlvaodkvmwfzruocirgnueivqqcpgxfdotgmuqqpsknhkffoanxsrlrwrexjgozvezchswnakveuqgrtcmqmtwidafdureohbqzqnfzvrobvaiufngqhvifnlioerfmzbtnnszalywobnqdsmlzkcjjyzpkkmxwiutmsfaqqojyeuoyjladgfqkaxsdjnzpecvcvlplokiedwaejixgxrrryhvgksovzrqeiutaumvgbevrpovdjlzmgibovlfhgvyyosrrpwtlnapgilamztfcgseopxwkwfafmhwsstmcvflrlzdeyqlasrmshebxfpaozfhuwnyunrubhiwwbgrzlmtqkbgbacfhulfkqpvqhyqopzueljzakntopmrazbsihwiqnrcucywrpcnybbpwwcumntcsilimxjnpfzakwmkhzsyqxrsleughndaetsyjwxjdwtshewuasfqlemkecwebcksbrjdfonikafocsioxkfwxbnjqgsyrsbuamejfhzspxrioryhznausethrzwxerhzwfdbgcatvshewtrgxevjdijsmzxikorvxesfimqmztedzlyvqpqpowlqkapcyrldlbotzmafmpkjwjwlmswkpbqblylelvwnhxtdmhbuhhdrjxdeilhcgdqvnpnaaeridufotjwopbofnxxccjqkwszhfiswvhpdfwkkpevrbgzhopyzvskkuywayiwjwnnwhsnaufsikxudnbljddscqgdejxohlzvtqldsccogewvduwidbqtcxbrxirputiadhdwhmsqzvlhpuhyygsuhtgdfjgbschzkwimbprntnyrpgvksftcigdgrnrcmjanpolnceyewcsrzukqwcmpezkoadtbtlcopkfvqcyzuotedyekxiauzgxpkdppamxigkgtadkbdjuzslpxlopvcbyddpseosvhphmpeclbedyqyvozwnziwuuislhpgdyvatdfcftghnfduqricctpasmrxatklaxqmbqnubybxwxjmdwxsyhxncmootektfccexktpjlppepgyysaksktjakpnpdmbmxfnyamzbyuezlasohhqghjvxhecpceiqakeaolbdquanlkjhxxybgfcmzeclzkkssiqwaicmnzsirssbjoijtnstiouqqqjzdqmziqzgqjxabyxkhbqbbrjnzlnmtdcbmpvhxjrjkzfuecnehnrqtvjtnetoumetzegdghdzivacjrhufzfsngjlawbbisiqrzvshmajbxhhsshwuucsxstvgojapwcndzbbxamdmvyukvspqwgrcajgmublrhugfiowoigegzczurkhmjsxrbjsiheuftzgvrlrowugohtgjehqyaelhulnpfswaykunsqkwdzpfvrokybvwzhliylvywsgcstckwxnjjcubvwiafnndvnxdorbkokdboxonosocsfzemimqsgcafecmtrohppuprezewdxokdknbenuscayhepjgcsrouwefsxofxinytdguftnsbdepttjlmcyjxpharfvqqailltrgseubtiwgtogruhnvromjummkkwhgzqnndzruxdajgglemorlwuojfghogxnohmrvyxvbgbnrvpwuhughezfezuqvxjoyubotvbwwbdxhlyhpprqaqmwdxiychxkuiefnayvvttjnwphgmlojtvpbkcwiuxjhdtowngcuoykmcdgpogbhlocoyyaifcfbbngvxwvobflxeeyzeobcbqcpllthkfandjflfhsgblgvmiubucawykftbypinkkhhuxpyzoptjhfjgjydazscvvoojbdbtozwqlkhehjezmwwkfmqzoakjvytcgawctywqjwzjystovxyrezzzkjbooodzafgdstfviafufkcurtfrdwjlicyzuewksztwihpxzekjnofsnbkxqdiynumgrlyoapwlsrajmvhttkfyxaokejgvrqsbqztwxpmegfcvmpxinbsqfpuitlfxprcjroswvotooxkbgmkwixjqlbdvggjqcslsoyrpzopxxnawfdrullvozwzztowmgognfipwkrufzekvgjkpnfhfyjxdbrqjujwmunzsvhidblepushkgurghusjnhdvodrbkswskyplnknqcnvajcotsjpknsizhwpnpydcycrdkmjnxgjewhjneqavbpalpjgcbgzfdaldzjtawvbzgjaetbjmangaoqyipmnwjhpstykfqqvdiblswqlghwcyocvcesxkhibpqvwralhjsakhogqfizubypztqgeqjacwgdihwzektdhcywvxuegbrraiweridbmrmnfwkigobalamkwgpwchoestmdohmwcltjwmimrgsqsjpoxkuevufuilpkutxeatdezirtysxkyhjhecghuaatymteypxwmnbeptevgvpcvwuutxpqdzjzghztyqiqflaatdhsyesylxtzkpuhaduppsblgozncyolmimhanmbdzadfnthimwzbswvrmgmnvsmuuvanvsbgyqnpehkmbftncpggeytghtvxypvozqugtunvtrtwncwdqicplygysuqalipzekztwtxqtvykhkckpkeyxbrcddjwyrnanjvvejetbmhvxesytzmaosarqqaunmdiolnrakociseskwxqeklevfzvhkhsulqnwighehizhvzknvadnvjqmbhdkjaonjmoyjsrvtylbdgsmdaljpvsldckechezqhnxgbstcsfkpmgwirgblxhctueddqziozvasvibeqsjvwbmfkkdkhkzyajfkeovvkfixlvxmcpmkzeeceuptmyyivtnusbqtaumtvkrqyvygkxbqyixahjnxykcyvocxmtrzwbljytglirsnlolmzgqvsdrpyrwsuukwugkcohlbyxjazlgqtgbisfdgevwwncayzqohmrtfpwguuwptfiwuvpidhtrgenlqlrsbzpuoonkscvlqiqtndqkjmgnkskundagfrtodzlbpqrhwkbwaambnfhgyjfsynvlftjaqqhnfbssbabylizdfwrsohchuowumrtixozuwkwpqgrqwzqllnskswffaoyztfdnypijhglafnucnmkzetkzdtpkfdlspxvxlkxphdvxluhjhrjprhrivfkdtaypwyzduatpvnxordzcqzzoaknbkkvwebfbghqaaqvmcyncrxmvjrjmclnchgnqucmpmfktosswkucvqkieplfqknyegpjwbdtlrfbxrpcjgyrtbivqshwlaqpczuetwxpfpfltobqzmxjhbxpuuiwgmzcadwuucyrawtrggoyuinlzhvndlqafbodmlujurrwelqerldwdmjqmolabnkyoufnyjblehhuzaqgjnzogdobphyhinhynyuwbkxriskweuaxtovuzltacdpbivsmebzwfeeierqzhgvelxumsbdjzwqjvcuhpzojlothkgnalkiclmvsnfnornihkhvntryyusguptbzgmudafexrsfmbnpibdaibgrkcqloqhtjvbygcrhxtdnyteasqdpjxnbjjppbhxlhuuxmucwkurvgoignhqodozhnfwhmbmzfiikgmvrpzbiwcwrrxaouqcskobykuuaaxgxcnqbechrcqdjfcyfycjwwtppekzbwfevbhyjjepngascgqlktsuzyqeyfiszhzhzxuzlziygeuslszkwraokpcqhfrmmtxosxawhadhykkdkneefsysandknncpifawfzwmvcchauoixaxlxzrmxeggvyfmqunufjfwkpgnllzgprcmrhleyskmiocpqwdkyczurksyioxdxjxweudgrwtynoaeviubwsnmwouekrhmahkvpvlkmqcckpvytprbpkplgkljpuipcipylvgccnsyorheqqrzdbaafxlfwdqtrwhrlpjpmcjcxvqxkqzvawttyejlhjdoluagsmqhkdyalizicvqppkptplngbaoablkmtetliirqxoyplfvqobvkutblpclsdwqpvixynvxbzxwrhimvrujsdnwdmbajgldiottcukrpwcyhhopgjliuwcwultclfetbwqddadauhfmdwsfqbmantladqxeigtznfrjfdxglvugalyttvxavignkncopyuuhfivimtkzinrljoojhgjjgjakbjspadstyilkwsintqyfesnwzljbgasqdkiwvbucfpvpzybqrnpyazvnrohuywhvllarlqlgocmmdsxbrwcajecwlwehwofbpedbtxpuqiiyiuutzqgfxvkeyabedyowysmmmqofeqdrpegty

Stanwycks Photography Workshops

Workshops, Classes & Coaching

Photo Courses & Workshops

Several to Choose From

Sharpen Your skills or have an adventure


New Orleans Photography Courses

- PHOTO Workshops -

 504.899.9394   New Orleans

 call us...   today

 228.220.4833   Gulfcoast | MS

 Photography Courses

Various Photography Courses

"It's so important to know how to work with your camera..."


About Vicki Stanwycks, Your Photography Coach

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Photography Workshops, Classes & Coaching

Stanwycks Photography, The Natchez Steamboat at Dusk


Vicki Stanwycks is a highly experienced and versatile photographer known for her attention to detail in various photographic disciplines. She also mentors aspiring photographers, emphasizing emotional connection and storytelling in images.

Vicki Stanwycks, a name known in photography circles, has built an illustrious career spanning over 25 years. Her work, which encompasses Commercial Advertising and Corporate Locations - Executives CEO's, Industrial, Aerial, Ships, and Models has made her a seasoned professional.

Vicki's role extends beyond being a photographer; she is also a mentor, ushering emerging talents into the realm of visual storytelling and fostering their ability to create images through their lenses by making compelling photographs.

Travels, Moments, and Nuance...

Stanwycks's portfolio is as diverse as the places she's visited. Her travels have enriched her work, allowing her to bring a rare cultural nuance to her photography.  Her photos encapsulate not just moments, but the very essence of the place and its emotions.

For over 15 years, she has been conducting workshops that stress on the importance of individuality in photography. These sessions serve as a conduit for her to impart her vast knowledge and inspire photographers to transcend their creative limits.

Through her work and mentorship, Vicki Stanwycks continues to influence folks in the photography community, championing the potential for profound impact through her own lens.


** Weekend workshops can be during the week, the days just need to be two consecutive days so it keeps us within the flow of the work and development we are choosing.

Photography Classes

2 and 3 Classes
  • Studio Classes either for Beginners or Pick your given course that you want to work on
  • Professional Photographer for your Instructors
  • One On One or Small Groups
  • Studio Classes
  • Studio Zoom classes Available - 2 hours
  • Classes and Packages for 2 & 3 Classes

Photography Coaching

2 to 8 Coaching Sessions Available
  • Studio Classes - Part 1
  • Location Shooting - Part 2
  • Professional Photographer for your Instructors
  • One On One or Small Groups
  • Classes and On-Location Sessions
  • Studio Zoom classes Available - 2 hours
  • Coaching Packages. studio class and Location Sessions

Photography Workshops

Pick Your Workshop from Our List
  • Studio Classes and or Location shooting
  • Professional Photographer/Instructors offer instruction for the Given course you want to take and Guidance
  • One On One - Workshops or Small Groups
  • Location Workshops
  • Studio Workshops
  • Studio Classes and Location Shooting

Beginning & Intermediate Photography

Workshops, & Coaching | Weekedays & Weekends - Individuals & Small Groups

One, or two day workshops, Your Choice...

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Shooting On- Location Courses

Preparing and Shooting for Location Photography
Photographer Vicki Stanwycks, boasting more than 23 years of experience, specializes in on-location photography. Her extensive portfolio demonstrates her creativity across a range of settings, from urban streets to serene seascapes.
She is skilled in on-location, aerial, corporate, and industrial photography, able to set up a studio on-site for headshots or in unconventional locations like factories. Vicki has a knack for transforming spaces into a studio, tailoring her techniques to suit each unique environment.
Her courses focus on packing gear efficiently, selecting the right equipment, handling various lighting conditions, and preparing for different scenarios with subjects and products.
Vicki's knowledge seamlessly blends technical proficiency with the natural light, resonating with both art enthusiasts and commercial clients. As an educator, she stresses the importance of understanding surroundings, utilizing natural light effectively, and adapting to different shooting conditions.

Art Photography Courses

Art photography workshops focus on transforming photography into artistic expressions by nurturing artistic vision. Participants learn to pay attention to lighting, composition, and subject matter creatively. The workshops cover post-processing techniques to refine images and encourage a mindful approach to photography for creating meaningful visual stories.
Creating Artistic images and capturing your style - Creating your own art is much more than pressing the shutter of your camera or cell phone. The creative process involves several factors that make the difference between a nice picture and a thought provoking mindful image - an artful photographic image....
The workshop includes classroom instruction, practical shooting sessions, and post-processing labs to improve skills and artistic sensibilities. It encourages capturing images that tell stories and evoke emotions for impactful photographic art creation.
Attendees should bring their cameras, appropriate gear to shoot. Please bring at least 20 of our favorite images to date. If you don't have software we can make recommendation's.
We will have classes, shooting computer lab, assignments and critiques. We will create images together based on your classes and discovery. Be prepared to talk about various subjects as realized through your creative process.

"Visit the Swamp!" Bayou Photography Workshops

"Discover the Mysteries of the Swamp!" Stanwycks Bayou Photography Excursions
Embark on an exciting journey through the enchanting Louisiana Bayous led by an experienced Captain aboard his boat. Explore the captivating beauty of the Bayous while cruising through key locations featuring Cypress Knees, Hanging Moss Trees, Alligators, Swamps, diverse wildlife of Louisiana, and a variety of birds. visit ancient graveyards, and observe locals as they share their daily fishing tales.
• Immerse yourself in the magical realm of the Louisiana Bayous
• Board a boat and voyage through the picturesque Bayous, encountering iconic sights like Cypress Knees, Hanging Moss Trees, Alligators, and Louisiana's diverse wildlife.
•  Exploring fishing spots, discovering historical graveyards, and engaging with residents sharing their daily experiences.
• Learn photography techniques from Vicki Stanwycks, a seasoned Pro, offering her skills on capturing the essence of the Bayou.
• Enhance your photography skills with a focus on travel photography and capturing images while on location. unique Cajun landscape under the mentorships of an experienced professional.

Night Photography Workshop

New Orleans really comes alive at night. See the sights and sounds of the French Quarter, the Marigny, Local color, talent, musicians, neon lights, brass bands and the beautiful architecture as seen only in New Orleans at night.
Learn to capture the mood and feeling in New Orleans and use the workshop instruction for future travel.  The workshop covers essential techniques for shooting in both JPEG and RAW formats, ensuring you can create high-depth images that fully embody the mood and spirit of the night. Whether it’s the dynamic energy of brass bands or the intimate moments with street musicians, you’ll gain the skills to preserve these memories with your camera.
This workshop isn't just educational—it's a lot of fun, too! It’s designed for photographers who have a basic understanding of photography principles and are looking to enhance their skills in a spirited and inspiring environment. Not only will you leave with great photographs, but you'll also acquire knowledge that will serve you well in your future travels. Come join us and transform the way you see and capture the night.

Art Photography, Street Car in New Orleans

Street Photography  

Journalism in the Streets...

Street photography is more than just taking pictures; it's about capturing life unfolding in the unpredictable setting of urban landscapes. Our workshops delve deep into the art and craft of street photography, ensuring that each participant acquires valuable skills and insights. Whether you're wandering through bustling local streets or discovering a new city, our sessions cover a diverse range of topics under the knowledgeable guidance of Vicki Stanwycks.

Key aspects covered in our workshops include choosing the right equipment for different scenarios, mastering the interplay of light and shadow in color and black-and-white photography, and focusing on safety, preparation, travel advice, and post-processing techniques to enhance confidence and efficiency in urban environments. With personal guidance from Vicki Stanwycks in the classroom and on location, you can immediately apply these techniques to your photography, nurturing your development and storytelling skills through your camera lens.

Our workshops cater to both beginners eager to explore and experienced photographers seeking to refine their street photography abilities, aiming to ignite your creativity and expand your photographic horizons.

Mardi Gras | New Orleans Mardi Gras Weekend Workshops

New Orleans Mardi Gras Photography Workshops -

Vicki Stanwycks offers an opportunity for aspiring and seasoned photographers to dive into the world of photography against the colorful backdrop of Mardi Gras. Workshops, participants are invited to embark on a day that stretches from morning to the vibrant nigh,  and also Mardi Gras day itself if you book in advance.

Vicki Stanwycks, a known photographer with extensive experience, capturing the essence of New Orleans, leads these workshops. Her deep connection to the city and its famous festivities shines through in her coaching, allowing participants to not only learn tech skills but also to enjoy the spirit of Mardi Gras through their lenses.

** Weekend workshops can be during the week, the days just need to be two consecutive days so it keeps us within the flow of the work and development we are choosing.


Participants are required to bring their own gear,  where each individual’s personal style and technical prowess can flourish under Stanwycks’ guidance.

Experience Mardi Gras in a way that is as educational as it is exhilarating.

The Artist Within

Unblocking and Recreating the Artist Within 

Lifecoaching Sessions, Photography, Discussions and recreating the artist within

Being creative for self satisfaction, feeling good, and even excited about what you want to accomplish takes motivation and a clear mind. If your mind is jumbled and your life is crazy the creative process can be tainted, you can feel negatively challenged, hence making the creative process seem like climbing a huge mountain.

The creative process is different for everyone. This workshop is focused on you, figuring our what makes you come alive creatively, like you once were or perhaps simply different so you can find the creatively that has somehow gotten locked away and why.

Artists workshops have been a good place to start to get you seeing and feeling your creative self once again. If you are struggling this could be just what you need.

Stanwycks Photography, Beautiful Red Tulips

Location Photography and Travel


Travel Photography Workshop 

Travel photography is fun and can be approached as exciting and artful... Surely it's exciting to travel and explore... Photography gear needs to be effective and accomplish image capture while visiting unfamiliar territory. There are language barriers with foreigner's, safety issues and inherent photographic challenges.

Going to the local camera store it not so readily available and having what you need is paramount... and then the airlines come into play and how to travel effectively with your gear. Call us today to see if we have an ongoing workshop at this time or we can work with you individually to help you find your inner photographer... Our primary focus is to get you to be the best you can be with what you have while traveling.

Photographing People

We offer Workshops for Shooting People groups and Model Coaching for the aspiring model from a photographers point of view. As photographer's we create images for the aspiring model and know what looks good and doesn't.

We also offer one on one model mentoring to better assist and create a better understanding of the industry. Vicki Stanwycks personally coaches and works with you to help you create your image, portfolio, comp cards and self promotional materials.

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Exposure, Color & Light Photography Workshop

On - Location Photography, Working with Exposure, Color & Light

In order to create an image, we need light... We cover the basics of light and how to see, measure and track the light. This workshop is for the natural light enthusiast who respects and loves the landscape and realizes that light has many aspects from exposure and color to capture.

This workshop brings your photography to the Next Level, better images. Knowing light and how to manipulate, see and track the light will make all the difference to your images. Anyone can shoot a picture, it's what we do with the light that makes all the difference to the quality of the image.

Photography Workflow and Editing

In order to create an image, we need light... We cover the basics of light and how to see, measure and track the light. This workshop is for the natural light enthusiast who respects and loves the landscape and realizes that light has many aspects from exposure and color to capture.

This workshop brings your photography to the Next Level, better images. Knowing light and how to manipulate, see and track the light will make all the difference to your images. Anyone can shoot a picture, it's what we do with the light that makes all the difference to the quality of the image.


"I attended Vicki's photography workshop for beginners earlier this year, and it was an excellent experience. Looking forward to attending more!" --James Fanguy  

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Beginning Photography

Beginners | Classes

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your camera and step beyond the automatic mode? Our beginning photography classes are designed specifically for enthusiasts eager to delve deeper into the art and science of photography.

Our classes are structured to offer a solid foundation in understanding the basic principles of photography such as exposure, white balance, reading light,  composition, and shooting modes, including Manual. You will learn how to manipulate aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to create images that reflect your artistic vision. 

Moreover, our workshops extend beyond the classroom environment, providing practical information and demonstrations, offering experience in various shooting conditions and subjects. With personalized classes, you'll receive advice and a curriculum that aligns with your specific interests. Embrace this opportunity to transform your photographic journey and see the world through a more inspired lens.

We offer individual classes.  We offer 1 to 3 classes per segment 2 to 3 hours long  depending on what you want to work on.

Feedback from our participants speaks volumes about the effectiveness and enjoyment of our training. Tyniesha Williams, a recent student, shared her transformative experience with Ms. Vicki, praising her approachable teaching style and the confidence she gained in capturing stunning photographs.

If you're ready to elevate your photography skills and join a community passionate about capturing beauty through the lens, our workshops are the perfect starting point. Sign up today and start your journey towards becoming a proficient photographer, under the guidance of experienced professionals like Ms. Vicki, who are dedicated to making each learner's experience both educational and enjoyable.

"If you want to get a good working knowledge of your camera these classes or workshops are for you!"

Beginners Photography Coaching

Are you ready to dive into the world of photography and bring your creative visions to life? Whether you're picking up a camera for the first time or looking to refine your existing skills, Vicki Stanwycks offers personalized photography coaching tailored to your current level and aspirations. As your dedicated photography coach, Vicki will conduct an evaluation of your current skills and work closely with you to set achievable goals that align with your photography ambitions.

Vicki's approach to coaching is hands-on, ensuring that you not only learn the theoretical aspects of photography but also gain practical experience by shooting ASAP.

This method helps embed learning and builds confidence in your abilities. With a variety of coaching options available, you can choose the one that best suits your schedule and learning style. Whether it’s one-on-one sessions, or weekend photo adventures, Vicki is committed to helping you improve.

Intermediate Photography |  Workshops Coaching & Classes

Participants in the intermediate photography Level can expect to delve deeper into the art and science of capturing stunning images. By honing their skills in manipulating light, metering, and color balance, understanding levels of composition techniques, and understanding digital editing tools, students are equipped to elevate their photography to new heights.

Through hands-on practice and expert guidance, individuals have the opportunity to refine their craft and produce truly lovely pieces of art that showcase their unique perspective and creativity. Whether aiming to pursue photography as perhaps a pro or simply as a passionate hobby, these classes offer a supportive environment where participants can flourish and continue to grow as photographers.


"If you take pretty good photos in Program Mode & other functions, but want more out of photography."

Photography Coaching

If you are into photography and want to get better at what you are doing, there are several coaching options available for you.

Vicki Stanwycks, your Photography Coach, will evaluate where you are now in your work and make some suggestions based on what you want to do with your future photography endeavors.

Photography coaching is a good way to get better at what you are doing and figure out what you want to accomplish.

New Orleans Photo

Be Prepared for your Photography Workshops

Photography Workshops, Classes and Coaching


Beginning Photography Workshops

Workshops: Great for those from Out of Town
  • Workshops are Full days and Weekends
  • Workshops Include Classes and Location Shooting, using New Orleans as your Backdrop
  • Hands on Instruction, Vicki Stanwycks Works with you as you shoot to get better images and understand the why's and hows
  • Individuals & Small Groups
  •  One and two day workshops Available.

Images from our Workshops and Around Louisiana...

New Orleans Offers One of the Most Colorful Cities in the World!

Some of the things we Cover, Exposure, Composition, Color and Black and White...

The New Orleans is an awesome place especially, to be a Photographer. Many of the workshops below can be tailored specifically to where you want to go, what you want learn with your cameras. If you are coming to New Orleans, for a few days we can figure out a shooting schedule just for you! We have carefully crafted Itineraries for classes and workshops, and have worked with many clients who love to shoot, New Orleans makes it extra fun!

Stanwycks Photography, Vicki Stanwycks, loves being your guide and coach, teaching technique and shooting skills and being your guide...
Please take a look around at our workshops and let us know what you want to do. We will tailor an itinerary just for you. Contact us so we can come up with a plan. You will be better at Creating Photographs for sure after one of our workshops!

General Information

Full Day Photography Workshops

Check Out Our Workshops Full Day
  • Full Day Workshops
  • Professional Photographer/Instructor to guide you and offer instuction and Guidance
  • One On One - Workshops or Small Groups
  • Photography Coaching as we Shoot On- location

Photography Weekend Workshops

Various Workshop Packages
  • Professional Photographer/Instructor to work with you as you shoot
  • Price Depending on Workshop Choices
  • Photo Coaching While Shooting
  • On on One or Small Group Workshops

You will love our Workshops!

Classes, Coaching or Workshops, we love to help our clients make better Photographs.

Whatever you choose when working with us we want to help you be better with your camera and how you use it. We believe in starting form the basics as a foundation. One can read many books on photography and until you have someone standing there with you and telling you why it is or isn't working, you won't get it as quickly as you may think. Besides all that we make your experience with us fun and memorable as we shoot in your desired locations. Whether on the Gulf coast or in New Orleans we make it interesting and your images will be a direct result.

Understand Aspects of Photography, Seeing Light, Exposure, and so much more...

The New Orleans Weekend Workshop

In this Workshop we spend the whole weekend dedicated to creating images of New Orleans. New Orleans is filled with color, Sights and Sounds, like no other place in the country.

We have a class to begin and then venture off to see and feel as much of New Orleans as scheduled in your weekend. Vicki Stanwycks is with you every step of the way working with you to create beautiful images and see the landscape and it's people.

We Explore the French Quarter, Grave Yards, New Orleans Architecture, Old Algiers, Local People, etc. if you want to see more than the French Quarter, and more of New Orleans, and Capture the local color and flair of it's people,  this workshop is for you....

Shooting Images to Post Production


"We like to get it right in the camera first so our edits will be easier..."

New Orleans During Mardi Gras

New Orleans Mardi Gras Photography 

(During the Mardi Gras Season)

There are 2 Weekends of Shooting... and Mardi Gras Day. Each Weekend features  2 days each from morning to night on both days of the weekend and Mardi Gras day.
Includes classes and hands on shooting with Vicki Stanwycks. Students must bring their own gear. Food and beverages will be available in studio. Classes, shooting and critique.
Experience Mardi Gras Like never before...  Please check our all our Mardi Gras pages so you can see what to expect. These  Workshops are awesome!

Classes, Critiques and Workflow

Weekend Workshops gives us more time to hone your photography skills in classes, by looking at what you have done while shooting, then following a critique of your work.
Much learning can be received by looking and seeing what could  have done differently which sparks more questions and more learning.

Call Stanwycks Photography today!

Phone: 504.899.9394  |  228.220.4833

[email protected]


"I attended Vicki's photography workshop for beginners earlier this year, and it was an excellent experience. Looking forward to attending more!" --James Fanguy 

"Best workshop I have ever taken. Vicki went above and beyond my expectations. She provided excellent, personalized instruction, based on a customized workshop design.

She also shared a LOT of great insights based on helping me to assess my own style, taking me out to shoot in the kinds of locations suited to my needs, and then providing interactive coaching and feedback.

As a result of taking her workshop, I am going to become a much better photographer. Even before the course was done, I had already made significant improvements. I highly recommend her services." -Darren Olson, June 25th

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