New Orleans Photography Workshops
On-Location Photography
Location Photography, the Color of Light & Exposure

On-Location Photography
On Location Photography and the Color of Light

New Orleans On-Location Digital Photography Workshops
The Color of Light and Technology
Color is seen by your cameras in several ways. Our eye sees in various spectrums of color. How our camera exposes color and what we do with that determines the quality of our images.
Shooting on Location and being able to adjust to the variables are what can bring your photography to the next level, for better images.
The differences of color effect your images and how your camera sees are covered in this workshop. This Workshops discusses color theory, camera controls, location shooting, assignments, exposure, Digital Processes and the computer.
Call Stanwycks Photography Today
Call us today to see if we have an ongoing workshop at this time or we can work with you individually to help you find your inner photographer, who can make images anywhere and fast.
Being Prepared During Challenging Location Situations
We cover many of the creative tools that we have at our fingertips to make images tell the story of where you are and using your camera as the storyteller.
Some Locations have tricky Lighting conditions, difficult places to shoot, tight spaces, crowds, and essentially obstacles. If you are prepared with your gear and how you carry your tools and self you can get through it with great images...
We can show you how to get good images in challenging situations by being prepared. And sometimes all the preparation in the world is not enough and that is where Intuition plays a big role...
Stanwycks Offers On- Location Photography Techniques
We work in the studio offer and discuss Tips, Tricks and Photography Do's and Don'ts, Gear and a whole host of things... While On-Location
We Offer Several Photography Courses....
Phone: 504.899.9394
New Orleans Workshops & Classes
On-Location Photography Workshops and Classes
Location Photography
The color of light, how it effects your images and shooting techniques
A) Natural light and understanding the nuances and how it effects our images
Attendees should bring their camera, laptop and software they use for their images. We will have classes. Be prepared to shoot on location under different lighting situations.
Exposure plays into how color is recorded to the image. Working on-location sometimes offers many challenges and exposure difficulties.
B) Understanding the controls on your camera will better prepare you for what's at any given location, hence rendering you better color definition.
We look at your images, critique, computer discussions, assignments and suggestions will be offered to make your images better.
The images we create in these workshops will all be focused on color and exposure. Color theory is discussed as well, and how it relates to Digital photography.

On-Location Photography Workshops and Classes

New Orleans Photography
Workshop Info
Photography and Exposure Go Hand in Hand
Especially When On-Location....
Come to New Orleans Prepared to Make Photographs
And your guides will show you where and how!
For Beginners and Advanced
For Beginners, Intermediate and seasoned shooters...
- Are you coming to New Orleans for a vacation or a convention?
- Spend a day visiting the New Orleans, The French quarter or the Louisiana Bayous.
- Day or Weekend Workshops Available
We offer various workshops throughout the year and cover many topics. The Louisiana Swamp tours are one of our most popular photography trips as folks love to see the magic of the bayou. From sunrise to Sundown - even I the rain it's very different kind of beauty, all it's own.
Call us today to see if we have an ongoing workshop at this time or we can work with you individually to help you find your inner photographer, who can make images anywhere and fast.

Make Photography an Adventure
Full Day and Weekend Workshops

General Information & Rates
Full Day Photography Workshops or Classes
- Classes and Location shooting
- Professional Photographer/Instructors to guide you and offer instuction and Guidance
- One On One - Workshops or Small Groups
- Camera Instruction at the computer and as we Travel to locations
- Including Photo Coaching while Location Shooting
Creative Photography Weekend Workshops
- Professional Photographer/Instructor to guide you and work with you as you shoot
- New Orleans Weekend Workshops Avaialble
- Price Depending on Workshop Attractions
- Photo Coaching While Shooting and in Class
- Various locations to Photograph
- On on One or Small Group Workshops
Classes, Coaching or Workshops, we love to help our clients make better Photographs.
Whatever you choose when working with us we want to help you be better with your camera and how you use it. We believe in starting form the basics as a foundation. One can read many books on photography and until you have someone standing there with you and telling you why it is or isn't working, you won't get it as quickly as you may think. Besides all that we make your experience with us fun and memorable as we shoot in your desired locations. Whether on the Gulf coast or in New Orleans we make it interesting and your images will be a direct result.
Call Stanwycks Photography today at 888-526-8299 or email [email protected]
We are happy to discuss what kind of photography you want to work on. We can come up with ideas and suggestions that could be great just for you!
Improve Your Photography with Stanwycks Photography
Photography Workshops

A Once in A Lifetime Trip, Be Prepared with Camera in Hand....
Understanding How Light Effects an Image
Color Photography On Location and at your computer...
What you see is what you get... on our computer, your camera, and your prints...
Workshops, Classes and Individual Coaching sessions are available
We schedule workshops and classes working mainly with individuals one on one. Call today to schedule your Workshop or class.
Your images will be much better if you can see how color and exposure renders your images better once understood and implemented. when shooting...
Workshops on Your Schedule
"Ongoing" means we teach during the week & on weekends, depending on your schedule and ours... We have assignments, We do our best to make it work for you!"
Call Stanwycks Photography today at 504.899.9394
e-mail us at [email protected]
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